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Lloyd George envelopes & paper records

I have registered a patient and received an empty Lloyd George, what should I do?

We would advise to retain them if possible. If/when the patient leaves the practice and GP2GP fails you may need to send a printed out summary to replace the electronic record.

We have digitised the medical records we store. Can the paper medical record be securely destroyed?

NHS England have confirmed that if a patient’s paper medical record has been successfully digitised, the Lloyd George envelope can now be securely destroyed. 

  • If a patient is transferring to a home nation (Ireland, Scotland, Wales), a GP Practice will still need to print out a summary record because GP2GP does not work for these record movements.
  • A practice will need to print out a summary record if a GP2GP transfer has failed.
If I receive some paperwork for my new patient, but I don’t have a paper envelope to put them in, what should I do?

In the first instance you should follow your usual process to scan the paperwork to include in the patient’s digital record, if this is not possible, you can create a new envelope for the patient. You can do this by requesting a pack of Lloyd George envelopes through the PCSE supplies portal on PCSE Online, and then writing the patient’s name, DOB and NHS number clearly on the front.

Where is the Lloyd George envelope for my new patient?

As part of the Lloyd George envelope digitisation project which aims to digitise the historic paper patient records held by practices, the way you manage medical records for new patient registrations is changing. The production and distribution of new patient paper Lloyd George envelopes will be stopping in January 2021. The project will reduce the burden associated with the movement of paper records and freeing up space in your practice that is currently used for storage of these records.