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User roles

There are users in the list on the User Management Home page of PCSE Online who no longer working at our practice.

If you have users who have left your organisation, it is important that you deactivate them as soon as possible. If they move to another practice, and use the same email address, they will be able to access PCSE Online for both locations based on their user role, until such a time as they are deactivated by the previous practice. 

How can I see all the PCSE Online users for my practice?

You will need a User Administrator role in order to access the User Management Home page in PCSE Online.

From the User Management Home page, tick the 'My Organisation Only' box and click Apply. All users will then be listed. It is good practice to regularly review this list to update user details, manage relevant access to user roles and deactivate users if any staff have left the practice.

Please note, all user accounts, active or deactivated will show. This provides an audit trail of every user who has been linked to the practice, and also allows the User Administrator to reactivate a user account, for example, if a user has been on maternity leave or other long term leave. There is no way to filter this view.


Understanding the role of a User Administrator

There are three types of User Administrator in a GP Practice. Each of the user administrator roles can give access to a particular section of PCSE Online.

1. GPP -  Practice User Adminsitrator
This user administrator can assign roles related to GP Pensions and Payments only, for example, the 'Joiner & Leaver' and 'Practice Estimate and Salary Change' roles

2. PL Organisation User Administrator
This user administrator can assign roles related to Performers List only, for example, the 'PL Practice Manager' role

3. Main Contact 
This user administrator can assign roles related to Supplies and Medical Records only, for example, the 'Practice Order Entry Clerk' and 'Practice Records Movement Admin' roles

The user administrators can create a new user, amend roles, update user details and deactivate a user. The user administrator can assign themselves other user administrator and user roles. 

Can I share my PCSE Online log in?

No, you must never share your user name or password for PCSE Online. 

If you suspect your account details have been shared, please visit the PCSE Online log in screen and click Forgotten your log in details?

Can you have more than one person from an organisation logged in at the same time?

Yes, more than one person from an organisation can log into PCSE Online at a time. 

Please note, each user must have their own unique log in. Account details must not be shared.