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General Performers List

I am a practice manager, and I don't have any retirement and resignation approval requests in my activities queue. Is there an issue?

Retirement and resignation cases no longer require practice approval. 

When a GP submits a request to leave the Performers List, you will receive a notification email so you can complete any contractual agreements outside of PCSE Online.

Where can a salaried GP or Principal GP find their prescriber number?

Any Performer, with the exception of a Locum only GP, will have a prescribing number.

They can find this by logging into PCSE Online, navigating to their Performer dashboard and select Employment details.

A Principal GP will also have received this information in writing from PCSE.

Where can a practice find a GP's prescriber number?

Practices can ask the GP for their prescriber number, which they can find in the Employment Details section of their Performer dashboard on PCSE Online.

Practices can use the ODS portal to search for their practice code, which will list all GPs attached to the practice, and their prescriber number.  

How do I set up a new practice on PCSE Online?

To set up a new practice with access to PCSE Online, you must provide the following information to the ICB (Commissioner) so that PCSE can process the request:

  • Practice Code – If you do not have an ODS code please contact the ODS Team at NHS Digital on 0300 303 4034 or via email on and then provide this in your notification to the ICB (Commissioner) 
  • Practice Name
  • Practice Address
  • Practice Telephone Number
  • Practice Email Address
  • Branch Surgery Address, Telephone Number, Email (if applicable)
  • Type of contract (e.g. GMS, PMS, APMS)
  • Is the Practice a Dispensing or Prescribing practice?
  • Details of GPs attached to the practice.  This should include their GMC number, capacity in which they will be working at the new practice.  Also required are details of whether they are currently working at another practice and their intentions e.g., are they resigning from that practice or will they continue to work at that practice in addition to the new practice. Should a GP not already be on the Performers List they will need to submit an application to join the Performers List 
  • Lead Prescriber name and GMC number
  • Practice Manager Name
  • Practice Manager Email Address
  • Practice Manager Telephone Number 
  • Name of Pooled List
  • Effective Date (New Practice Start date) 
  • Is the practice that is to be created a result of a change in provider?

It is essential you provide the notification and information to the ICB (Commissioner) 4-6 weeks before the effective date to ensure the request is completed in a successful and timely manner.

Once you have provided all the information required, the ICB (Commissioner) will notify PCSE and PCSE will begin the process of the new practice set up.

PCSE will need to obtain information from NHSBSA i.e. prescriber codes for any GPs working at the practice, a pooled list code. 

PCSE may contact the main contact at the practice to clarify any information and will provide confirmation once the request has been completed.

How do I change my status to Locum GP?

These are the steps that enable you to change to a Locum GP:

GP Registrars:

  1. Log into PCSE Online
  2. Click on Performers List
  3. Click the Performer Type tab
  4. Follow the steps on the screen to change your status to GP Performer
  5. Click submit

Your case will then be processed by PCSE and your status will then change to GP Performer.

Salaried GPs and Partner GPs:

  1. Log into PCSE Online
  2. Click on Performers List
  3. Submit your employment change request on the Employment Details screen to advise PCSE that you are leaving your practice

Your case will then be processed by PCSE and your status will then change to GP Performer. 

I returned to work as an Emergency Registered Practitioner (ERP) during the Covid-19 pandemic and wish to stay on the medical performers list once the emergency legislation is repealed.

As you returned to work as a GP during Covid, your licence to practice is only temporary. 

Apply to stay on the GP Performers List for England

All Performer List processes are managed via PCSE Online, however, due to your current role, you will need to submit a paper application to return to practice. 

Please contact and advise them that you wish to return to practice, and they will provide you with a paper application.

To enable us to efficiently process your application to return to practice, please include the following supporting documentation with your application, as scans or photographs:

  • Your CV – Please ensure dates are in dd/mm/yyyy format and explain any gaps in employment over 2 weeks 
  • Photo ID – Copy of your current passport, or driving licence photocard (UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands or EU). Other acceptable forms of ID can be found on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) website 
  • Enhanced DBS Certificate (or DBS application reference number). Please upload both pages and ensure that all information is visible* 
  • Professional indemnity or insurance certificate of membership*  Not required covered by CNSGP
  • Certificate of graduation or postgraduate training 
  • A copy of your most recent appraisal/outcome statement (if you have had an appraisal) 

Please note: If you have lived outside of the UK (in the last 5 years), studied or trained outside of the UK or Republic of Ireland, you will be required to submit a police check. Documents and certificates not provided in the English language must include an official translation

*It is possible to submit your application without your DBS and indemnity/insurance certificates, and upload these at a later date via the Performers List home page, but your application cannot be considered by NHS England until they have been uploaded.


Important information regarding DBS certificates

It is important to apply for your enhanced DBS certificate early, and in advance of making your application to join the Performers List. It can take up to eight weeks to obtain an enhanced DBS certificate, and an application cannot be progressed without one. Applicants are strongly advised to register for the DBS online update service as soon as you receive your DBS certificate. If you do not register for the service within 28 days of receipt of the certificate it will become invalid and you will need to apply for a new certificate. 



You are required to enter contact details for two referees who have agreed to provide clinical references relating to two recent or current posts. If you provide details for a referee based outside of the UK you will also need to include proof of their registration.


Making changes to your details on the Performers List for England

Once your application is approved, we will update your details on PCSE Online. You can then log in to PCSE Online at any time to view the details held about you on the List. In line with The National Health Service (Performers Lists) (England) Regulations 2013, as amended, you are required to keep your details on the National Performers List up to date, including: –

  • Change of name or contact details 
  • Change of employer
  • Change of NHS England local office 
  • Withdrawal from the National Performers List. 

If you need to make any changes to your details you will need to do this via PCSE Online

How do I assign user roles within my GP practice?

Our User Management for Performer List - User Administrator Guide will help you assign user roles within your organisation.

Can I view DBS certificates for Locum GPs on PCSE Online?

No. Only PCSE and NHS England can view the documents.

I am having problems logging in.

Where the issue relates to connectivity or something not related to PCSE Online, please contact your own IT Helpdesk.

Where the issue relates to PCSE Online please contact PCSE via the 'Contact Us' page and select ‘Performers Lists’ from the drop down menu and 'New Performers List Enquiry'.

Complete the details requested and state in your message that you are having problems logging in to PCSE Online.

How do I access the Performers List on PCSE Online?

PCSE Online is web-based, so you will need to be connected to the internet. You can use PCSE Online on any device that has internet access, including laptops, tablets, mobile telephones and desktop computers. The link can be found in the top right corner of this website.

How secure is PCSE Online?

PCSE Online is a secure web based system and uses encrypted communications.

We recommend that your browser should support Transport Layer Security 1.2 (TLS1.2). Currently the following browsers, and all subsequent versions (v) after those stated in the list below, support TLS 1.2:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox 
  • Opera 
  • Safari 

You will require your own user ID and password to access the system.


If you experience any issues using the above browsers, please ensure you have updated to the most current version of the browser

What is Performers List via PCSE Online?

PCSE Online is a web-based system for submitting and approving Performer List change notifications and Performer List applications. 

Practices, Performers, ICBs and NHS England can access the service via the PCSE website with a unique login ID and password.

Some users may already have access to PCSE Online for ordering supplies and tracking medical records. Users who already have access to PCSE Online will not be assigned Performers List related roles and if these users require access, they will still need to follow the user management guidance to gain access to the new services.

Ask your practice's User Administrator to provide you with the relevant access via the User Management tab in PCSE Online or visit the Practice Managers page to access the relevant user guides.

Where can I find my dental performer number?

By accessing Compass, the NHS Dental Services  ‘Contract Management, Payments and Superannuation system’; you can find details about your Performer Number and further detailed information on the website

Dental Services have also launched video tutorials to assist you with Compass. Visit the website to view -

Do I need to be qualified before I can join the Performers List for England?

No, applicants can apply to join the Performers List for England before they receive their professional qualification from their country of residence. It is advisable to submit your application as early as possible to enable PCSE to carry out the necessary checks before we submit the application to NHS England for approval. Find out more on the Performers List page for your profession.

Where can I get a GPs prescribing number, G referral code and local code?

When a GP updates their employment details on PCSE Online, PCSE will send the performer a change notification confirmation letter which includes their prescribing number, G referral code, and their local code. If you require these codes for performers in your practice, please ask them for a copy of this letter.

Do I need a new GP code if I move to a new practice?

Yes.  If you move to a new practice, a new GP code will be issued to you as part of the Performers List change  notification process.  Please do not use your old GP code once you move to a new practice, as this would result in new  patient registrations being assigned to your previous practice, and the patient’s medical records would be sent to your previous practice.

How can I find out if a performer is already included in the Performers List for England?

The online Performers List for England can be accessed at

Can I work if my status hasn’t been updated on the Performers List for England website?

Change of status

GP registrars and Dental Foundation Trainees are already on the Performers List for England when they conclude their training. Dental Foundation Trainees and GP Registrars can continue to work whilst their status change is being processed by PCSE.

General Practitioners    

GP Registrars who are newly qualified can work as they are on the Performers List and will be showing on the Performers List website. The individual can show they are qualified by producing their certificate of completed training (CCT). This is also reflected on the GMC register which any employer can check if they so wish.

  1. GP Trainees legally cease to be trainees when the GP Registrar achieves their CCT and the GMC register is updated.
  2. NHS England policy requires GP Trainees to provide evidence that they have completed their training and to update their status in PCSE Online, enabling PCSE to update their status on the performers list.  If the GP Registrar has evidenced this, they have fulfilled their obligations under the regulations and NHS England policy.
  3. The change in status on the Performers List itself does not require NHS England Medical Director (MD) / Responsible Officer (RO) approval as this is a routine administrative process.
  4. During this period of time, and in the event that an enquiry regarding their status is received from either the recently qualified trainee or an organisation wishing to use their service, MDs or their delegated officers should assure themselves that the trainee has completed their training by either checking the GMC register, and/or liaising with NHS England if they are a GP Registrar. If the MD or their delegated officer can assure themselves via this route, there should be no reason why the trainee should not be permitted to practise independently whilst the administrative change in status is undertaken.
How do I change my status from Foundation Dentist to Dental Performer?

If you want to tell us that you have completed your Foundation dental training and want to change your status to Dental Performer, this is what you need to do:

  • click Performer Type on the PCSE Online Performer Home Page (your current performer type will be displayed as Foundation Dentist)
Change status to Dental Performer
Change status to Dental Performer
  • select the appropriate performer type: Dental Performer
  • you must upload evidence that you have completed your training
  • you must upload evidence of indemnity or insurance to cover your new role
  • click on Submit
  • confirm this by selecting OK
  • a Case ID will be automatically generated and sent to you for reference

The change of status will be approved and the Dental Performer List for England will be updated once complete.

I’ve just completed my GP training and am newly qualified what do I need to do?

If you want to tell us that you have completed your training and want to change your Performer Type from GP Registrar to GP Performer you will need to:

  • Click 'Performer Type' on the PCSE Online Performer Home Page (your current performer type will be displayed)
GP Registrar - completion of training
Screenshot of PCSE Online
  • select the appropriate performer type:
    • GP Performer
    • Armed Services 1
    • Armed Services 2
  • you must upload evidence that you have completed your training
  • you must upload evidence of indemnity or insurance to cover your new role
  • click on Submit
  • confirm this by selecting OK
  • a Case ID will be automatically generated and sent to you for reference

This process does not update your Employment details. It sets your status to a default of registered with licence, which indicates you are working as a locum.

If you are working as a salaried GP or GP Partner, update your practice information in the 'Employment Details' section.

I have a GP/Dentist/Optician leaving the practice, What do I do?

The GP/Dentist/Optician will need to log into PCSE Online, access the Performer List home page, and submit the appropriate change(s).

GP Practice Managers are required to approve status changes for GPs in their practice, via PCSE Online. This requires the PL Practice Manager role. Ask your practice's User Administrator to provide you with the appropriate access. Guidance on approving status changes can be found here.

I have a new GP/Dentist/Optician joining the practice. What do I do?

The GP/Dentist/Optician will need to log into PCSE Online, access the Performer List home page, and submit the appropriate change(s).

GP Practice Managers are required to approve status changes for GPs in their practice, via PCSE Online. This requires the 'PL Practice Manager' role. Ask your practice's User Administrator to provide you with the appropriate access. Guidance on approving status changes can be found here.

How do I see if I'm on the Performers List?

You can search the Performers List for England here.

I work as a GP/Dentist/Optician in secondary care. Do I need to be on the Performers list for England?

Only GPs, opticians and dentists working in NHS primary care need to be on the Performers list for England. 

For doctors, opticians and dentists working in a hospital setting, also called secondary care, do not need to be on the Performers list for England.